
Archive for the ‘general post’ Category

1.  waking up to my dog licking my face

2.  cuddling with my cat in the morning after I’ve let the dog out

3.  the rich aroma and wonderful jolt of that first cup of coffee

4.  bright blue West Texas sky with puffy white clouds

5.  going to karaoke for the first time ever and being present when my baby brother asked his girlfriend to marry him after dragging her up on stage to sing a duet (I got video!) 🙂

6.  having someone else clean my house (thank god!!!)

7.  chocolate

8.  a great massage from my good friend Penny

9.  did I mention chocolate?

10.  my husband’s smile and an “I love you”

What makes you happy?


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I’ve been aware for many years that hospitals are not the most positive places to be energetically. People are there because they’re sick, hurt, or dying. Emotions like worry, fear, despair, and anger are thick in the air. Even joyful events like the birth of a child, are often rife with anxiety. The dead often remain for quite some time and negative entities attracted to the confused and distressed energies are plentiful.

When Husband entered the hospital I had this reality somewhere in my mind. I know that as I was walking the halls and riding the elevator I was thinking vaguely in some part of my mind that I needed to maintain good boundaries to keep the negative energies from affecting me. But it wasn’t until into the second week of his stay that I actually walked through a cloud of despair that clung to me like a sticky fog and I had my “Duh!” moment.

Maintaining energetic boundaries in a place as challenging as a hospital isn’t something that you can do adequately from the back of your mind. It has to be a mindful, active process. Especially for an empath! Duh!

So, ever since then I’ve been trying to maintain an active awareness of keeping energetically clear. Here are a few of the things I do to help:

  • I take a few moments in my car to prepare myself. Simply sitting quietly for a few minutes and taking a few deep breaths can help to center me, to clear my head of other demands of the day, and focus my intent on my energetic integrity.
  • As I walk to the building I allow the sunlight to energize me and help burn away any negativity I may be carrying with me.
  • As I walk though the lobby to the elevators my “shields” go up. This isn’t as clever as imagining a set of armor going on. Its more something I just feel happening; an energy shift in my aura.
  • Going up to the sixth floor is another opportunity to take a few deep breaths.

My process in dealing with Husband, the doctors and nurses, and keeping the hospital room clear are post-worth by themselves.

When I get home I play with my dog and my cat. 🙂 They pull me out of my fear and stress and help me focus on simple joys like a walk around the block and the fun of feathered toys. Laughter is a wonderful clearing!

This is the end of Husband’s eighth week in the cardiac intensive care unit of the local medical center. I’m terrified of what the future may hold, but I remain a believer in miracles!

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I just added a new blog to my blogroll: Heartfelt Blessings. I “discovered” it by email when a friend forwarded yesterday’s post to me. I really like the premise of Kate Nowak’s site and blog: that we are both more empowered ourselves and are better able to empower others and thereby change the world for the better through blessing, rather than through struggle of any kind. Among other things, her blog entries provide reminders and inspiration about the interconnected of everything in the universe and the importance of giving ourselves as much blessing as we give others.

As with most of the best things in my life this new blog has come to me at just the right time. I’ve been struggling lately with old, unhealthy habits of putting others’ needs before my own and needed a reminder about my own divinity and inherent worth. This “blessing blog” has been that reminder. I hope it is also a blessing for you. 🙂

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